

Welcome to get ready travelers. As the name suggests, this site is about being ready for your journey, mainly evolving around the airport experience.

Hi, I am Jim, the creator of Get Ready Travelers. Over the last 10 years, I have traveled regularly all over the world, and been to nearly 30 different countries. And many more airports than that. I have found that I am just as excited about the journey, and being at the airport as I am the final destination. I have always got a buzz from the airport experience, even before I traveled regularly

But I feel I enjoy it more, being prepared and organised, it gives more time to relax and be as stress free as possible.

So, I plan to share, in my view, tips and experiences on how to appreciate the airport adventure, and prepare for it better. Weather it be utilising your time there, getting value for the money you spend there, or just to relax.

Welcome ready travelers.