Waiting At The Airport: The Best Travel Accessories To Have

A neck pillow, an ideal accessory to have when waiting at the airport.

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Waiting at the airport can be a mixed experience if you are not prepared, but even if you’re ready for the expected, the unexpected can leave stress or boredom levels up in the sky.

We all hope for a smooth airport experience, rock straight up to check in, march through security, and fly out at the same time as is printed on our ticket. But it’s not always going to happen. There could be anything from a colossal security line to a major delay in departure time.

Depending on what type of airport delay you’re in, and where you are, can leave a person without these essential airport items at a bit of a loose end and not enjoying the travel experience.

I have been more than happy at a 2 hour delay at Singapore Changi airport as there is plenty to do, but if I wasn’t prepared, a small regional airport with just a coffee machine and a toilet would get a bit tedious.

There are only so many hours that a mega airport can keep you entertained though, so read on through this list of airport travel accessories, so you will be ready for a long line, a run down airport, or a major delay.

1. Have Cash And Cards When Waiting At The Airport

Ok, this isn’t really an accessory, and of course, you’re going to have money or access to payments if you are traveling. And in the event of an unforeseen situation or delay, flashing the cash can make things a bit more comfortable.

But this tip is to make sure you bring both cash and card. In a scenario where you’re trapped in the airport due to a long delay, and the need to spend arises, then fine. But if you only have a card, and all the card payment systems are down then you’re stuffed.

The same goes the other way round, especially these days when more and more vendors are only accepting payment by card. So make sure to bring both payment cards, and some cash, either the local currency or a major one such as US Dollar, Euros, or British Pound.

2. What to Bring to Keep Yourself Entertained When Waiting At The Airport

Have Something To Listen To

Having something to listen to is a great way to ease the boredom while waiting, whether that be in the queue for check in or sitting down at the boarding gate. Having a favorite podcast you are anticipating listening to may help you forget that endless line. So have your favorite music and podcasts downloaded ready.

Or maybe there’s a good book you want to listen to, then get yourself an audiobook.

Most people store everything on their phones these days, but if you want to save the battery for browsing the internet or social media, bring or get an MP3 player just for your listening pleasure.

MP3 Players

Amazon Audible for podcasts and audiobooks.

Bring A Tablet

You can also use your phone, however a tablet is a bit easier on the eyes when staring at a screen for a while.

Like having something to listen to, you want all your favorite movies, TV shows, and documentaries pre downloaded from the likes of Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, or many others. Watching a good film for an hour or so really helps time pass during a delay, that’s why I think a tablet is one of the best travel gadgets you can bring.

I personally have an Amazon Fire tablet, probably the older model now, but still works as it should. They are perfect for just downloading stuff to watch when traveling. Cheaper than most other tablets, good picture, and long battery life. The only downfall is the length of time it takes to charge the battery.

Amazon Fire Tablets



Before the days of all these modern traveler electronics, the most common answer to the question: what to bring to the airport to pass the time while waiting? Would have been a book.

The old school way of keeping ourselves entertained, with a good book, magazine, or newspaper is still a good option and can be bought in airports. But anything can be read on our phones or tablets these days, and if you’re not a big reader, maybe download the Wikipedia page of your destination. And if you are, then a Kindle or ebook reader will enable you to take hundreds of books without carrying hundreds of books.

E-Book Readers

Noise Cancelling Headphones

Does what it says on the tin, blocks out the background noise. Perfect for listening to your favorite music, and even better for concentrating on a podcast or audiobook in a manic and noisy departure terminal.

Most will give the option of an awareness mode, so you can turn off noise cancelation and have your wits about you if navigating a busy area.

Also a good substitute for earplugs if catching some shut eye. And if paired with your phone, and the alarm set, then you’re sure to wake up and not miss your flight.

Noise Cancelling Headphones

Wired Headphones

With all these airport accessories using battery power, you may want to conserve some energy. Wireless headphones are definitely better in my opinion, but I always carry some wired ones as well.

Wired ones won’t suck the battery power as there’s no Bluetooth connection. More often than not you can charge the gadgets on a plane, but if caught up in a long delay, you’ll be glad to save a bit of juice.

Wired Headphones

Headphone Jack Adaptor

A lot of the newer gadgets have done away with phone jacks for wired headphones, relying on wireless headphones. If your device doesn’t come with one, get yourself a headphone jack adaptor.

Usually plugs into the charging port of your device, and then enables a wired connection. Available in all different fits.

Headphone Jack Adaptor

3. What To Bring To The Airport To Keep Your Gadgets Charged

Power Bank

This is another top item to have when waiting at the airport. And I’ve had situations where I have been grateful to have one and kicked myself in the past for not buying one sooner.

We all know that there is usually somewhere to charge our devices in the departure lounge, but it’s not always available due to high passenger numbers, or just not convenient if you’re standing in a line elsewhere. So a small power bank in your hand luggage can be a lifesaver, and give you more freedom, as you are not stuck at the chargers. They are very compact and can charge multiple devices at the same time.

Power Bank

Charge Only Cable

This one is more of a security tip.

So you may well get a spot at the charging station, and if it’s convenient, why not save your powerbank. But for peace of mind, make sure your charging cable is a charge only one. This will protect you from possible data theft from your device, as no data can be transferred.

Secure Charging Cable

Multi Charging Cable

As the heading suggests, a single USB at one end to plug into a charging point or power bank, and multiple connectors at the other to plug into your devices. Enabling power to all of your travel gadgets.

Multiple Charging Cable

USB Adaptor

The larger USB plugs are getting less common now, devices will usually provide cables with, for example, smaller USB C connectors at both ends. But many airports have not adapted to this, some with only the larger USB ports. So a USB adaptor is recommended to avoid this.

USB Adaptor

International Plug Adaptor

Another weapon for your charging arsenal. You probably have one if you’re traveling internationally, so make sure to put it in your hand luggage. Handy for those quiet spots in the airport where there happens to be a socket that is foreign to yours. Just don’t unplug a vending machine, they get upset.

International Travel Plug Adaptor

4. Stay Comfortable And Get Some Rest At The Airport

Neck Pillow

Neck pillows aren’t just to be used on your flight. If long delays cause you to be trapped waiting in the airport terminal, the added bit of comfort may enable you to get some rest.

I have the trtl pillow, a wraparound-the-neck type that’s growing in popularity. This suits me as I can sleep sitting up, until 2 mins later when the head drops, jolting me awake. This supports the chin to prevent that from happening, which you don’t get with the traditional ones.

There is still a shout out to the u shaped neck pillows, if you need to lie down, you can use it as a pillow instead of your bag.

Travel Neck Pillow

Trtl Neck Pillow


A blanket will keep you warm and cozy waiting at the airport. But another benefit is you can use it as a ground sheet to lie down. That should have you prepared for those nightmarish situations you see on the news, where dozens of flights are delayed and hundreds of passengers are having to sleep on a dirty floor.

Travel Blanket

Ear Plugs

If you want to go one step better than using your headphones to block out the terminal noises, then get some proper earplugs. If you travel often you should have some of these in an airline amenity kit you would have picked up on a night flight. It’s always worth keeping these kits.

Ear Plugs

Eye Mask

The final piece of the puzzle in getting some good shut eye, especially as airport terminals don’t turn their lights off. As with ear plugs, eye masks are often found in amenity kits.

Eye Mask


Another quick tip on a security note again.

Make sure bags are locked with padlocks, and luggage is secured to yourself or an item of airport furniture with a wire lock. Keeps your stuff safe, and that extra peace of mind will help you to relax more.

Luggage Locks

Cable Lock

5. Food And Drink Accessories For Waiting

Water Bottle

A favorite airport accessory for many reasons, such as saving money or the environment. Simply fill up from a water fountain after security. I take a silicone collapsable one, making it easier to store when I don’t need it.

Water Bottle

Collapsible Water Bottle

Bring Snacks

It’s always worth having some snacks in your bag at the airport. It can save you a few notes, and keep you going in the event of an airport delay.

Now if you like the idea of making your own food before you go, but don’t want to lug around large Tupperware boxes all vacation, there is a solution. Just bring the food in collapsible containers, that way the food stays safe, and the containers can be carried in a compact size.

Collapsible Food Containers

6. Airport Accessories To Stay Fresh

Wash Kit

Whatever scenario you’re going to face waiting at the airport, being able to freshen up will make you feel better. Just have to hand some simple products like, soap, deodorant, moisturiser, toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, and a flannel. All available in mini sizes. Whether you have access to a shower in a lounge or just the bathroom sink, having this small kit is essential.

Travel Size Toiletries

Spare Underwear

To cap this list off, the final item is a spare pair of underwear. Not just to put on after a shower during a catastrophic airport delay, but you never know if there is to be a problem with the baggage, so at least you will always have a clean pair of undergarments.

Now you should know what to take to the airport, thus keeping yourself entertained, rested, and well groomed. Many of the items on this list may well already be a staple on your packing list, and everything on here will have uses on your flight and the rest of your vacation. But combined together, you should be well prepared for any eventuality when waiting at the airport.

About The Author: Jim Francis

Get Ready Travelers Logo featured imageJim Francis is the creator of Get Ready Travelers. Having traveled regularly for many years, Jim says that going to the airport and flying on a plane, is still among the top highlights of travel for him.

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